Acronis Cloud Backup from Kure-IT
Hosted Acronis Backup Cloud uses high-end storage equipment, which is located in a physically secured UK datacentre. Due to an extensive SLA you can always access your backed-up data and the datacentre has multiple Standardisation Certifications.
Your most important business asset is data. After all, without customer information, order details or product data, you will not be able to perform any business activities. Imagine partially or even completely losing your business data. It could mean the beginning of the end. At the very least, it would damage your company image.
Hosted Acronis Backup Cloud gives you the peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that your data is safely stored at all times
Multiple storage options…
25GB workstation account
100GB workstation account
250GB workstation account
500GB workstation account
1TB workstation account
150GB server account
500GB server account
2TB server account
5TB server account.